I entered my apartment, yanked off my face mask, and since I had no plans to go out, I changed into something more comfortable. All my friends were from church, and I was in no mood to see them anytime soon. I grabbed my laptop and logged in, and I stared at GGR’s WordPress comments again. I decided to bite the bullet and just greet him on Twitter. What harm could a simple DM do anyway?
I wrote…
Hello, GGR! I really hope it’s okay to DM you even though your bio says so. I wanted to thank you for the nice conversation we had last night. I enjoyed getting to know you a little more. I hope that doesn’t sound weird, lol. You seem like an interesting person, and I’m impressed that you can even hold an actual conversation. I can’t say that about many people these days. So, yeah, feel free to message me anytime you want. Talk to you soon! :)