I attached the picture to my reply. Prepare to run away from my lack of hotness! Hey, at least my face mask covers part of the monstrosity, lol.
It took a moment for him to reply, and he reacted to my picture with a fire emoji, shocking me because it could only mean that he found me hot. How could that even be when I was average at best? Though, there were days when I did feel above average, but still.
Since there was no actual text reply from him, I decided to send another message. You might want to put the fire out so I won’t keep burning, haha!
Finally, it showed that he was typing a message, and it seemed like forever for him to actually send it. In my eyes, it’s impossible to put out the fire because you’ll always be burning. ;)
My heart might as well have been on fire from being so molten by his compliment. I honestly had no idea what to say. Instead, I reacted to his message with a heart emoji.