My phone buzzed in silent mode, and since there weren’t any customers in the store, I felt safe to check it. Faith Hilton had sent me a text, asking if I was available after work to meet for coffee. She apparently wanted to talk to me about something important, and while we got along well, she was still a devout member of our church. Well, herchurch, since I no longer attended. She was a bit judgmental when it came to the reallybad sinners, but since she hadn’t mentioned anything to me about my gay romance series, I felt it was safe to meet up with her one more time. I replied with my acceptance and got back to work. I only hoped she wouldn’t try to get me to come back to church, assuming she already knew the story.
I completed another task and began straightening random shoes within the aisles to make the store extra presentable. I was usually alone in the mornings since the store wasn’t busy during those hours, but I had a few coworkers coming in soon to work until close.