Chapter 8

Once I felt he was prepared enough, when his hips rocked backward, taking my fingers deeper into his fundament, I coated my prick with the ointment and slid in, finding his back passage hot and clinging.

Jemmy gasped, and I ceased my movements. “Have I hurt you, Jemmy? Have you not done this before?”

“Aye, a time or two, although none so large as you, sir.”

“Sweet words, Jemmy.”

“True words, sir.”

“Do not call me sir when I’m buggering you, Jem.” I nipped the side of his neck.

“No, sir.” I could hear the grin in his voice, and I pinched his arse.

We couldn’t take too long about this, for we could be walked in upon at any moment, so I sped up my movements.

He bucked like an unbroken steed under me, panting and moaning, and I was breathless, fast approaching the brink of climaxing, when sure enough, someone wandered into the stables.

“Jem Stableboy, I want my horse saddled.” It was John Scarlett, of all people.