Chapter 17

“Perhaps not, but I’ll be much happier once we are out from under his roof.”

“We could join the army,” John told him. “Aunt Cecy would buy us our colours.”

“No. Her purse is as to let as ours. Surely, you must see—” The brothers came around the landing, and William ceased speaking when he saw me. After a brief moment, he curled his lip. “Well, well, who do we have here?”

Arthur stared at his brother as if his attics were to let. “It’s Awful.”

“Indeed it is. Eavesdropping, Awful?”

“Why would I? Aunt Cecily—”

“Didn’t we see a mouse in your room, Will?” John smoothed his hair. “Do you know, it rather reminded me of you, Awful.” His taunting words had me feeling as if he’d struck me. He hadn’t called me that name in four years—at least, not to my face. What had happened in the hours since he’d informed me he’d be coming to my bed? He nudged his older brother in the ribs. “What do you think?”