William shrugged and leaned against the doorjamb. “I’ve no idea.”
I couldn’t help but note the tension in the way he held himself, in spite of his apparent indolence.
“What of you, John?” William asked.
“I’d buy us a home that was ours alone. Not that we aren’t grateful for all you’ve done for us, Aunt Cecy, but there we could be together and do as we chose…” He flushed and glanced at William under his lashes.
“And so we would. You’d come with us, wouldn’t you, dearest aunt?”
“If only I could,” Aunt Cecily murmured. She opened the chest and raised the lid.
There was a concerted “Ahhh!”
The Flame of Diabul lay on a bed of satin which had once been a pristine white, but which time had aged to the colour of clotted cream. The ruby sat amidst its folds, the candlelight making it appear as if a flame did indeed burn within its depths.