He turned my hand over, his eyebrow rising as he noted the calloused flesh of my palm, and then he brought it to his mouth in a carnal caress.
I tried to keep my breathing even as his tongue traced the line that deeply scored my palm, my lifeline a wandering traveller had once told me. I shivered again, and felt his smile against my palm. He drew his hand away slowly, his fingertips lingering enticingly on the backs of my fingers.
I rose, closing my fingers over the dampness of my palm. He was allowing me to put some distance between us, but it took all my resolve to make that move.
“I look forward to our first encounter—”
“Please,” I interrupted, sure he was about to call me “Awful.” I’d no more permit him to call me that than I would John Scarlett.
His gaze hardened, and I had to moisten my lips. Did he think I was about to plead to be released from our bargain?
“I’ll do what you desire of me, but please don’t call me ‘Awful.’”