When the fire was blazing once again, I stood and removed my clothes. It was for the best that Geo wasn’t here, no doubt. I had helped Jem clean up the mare and her stall, and I needed a bath; I smelled of the stables.
I poured out some water into a basin, then wet and soaped a flannel and began to stroke it over my chest, underarms, and nether regions. My fundament was still slick with the cream I’d used to prepare my back passage. The hour was very late, and I doubted Geo would come to me now. I reached behind me; I might as well remove it as well.
“Are you often called out in the night?”
I started and spun around, foolishly attempting to shield my private parts with the flannel. “G…Geo?”
“Were you expecting someone else?” He was lounging in the chair by the window, deep in shadow, which was why I hadn’t seen him.
“No. No, of course not. Ah—”
“You didn’t answer my question. Are you often called out?”
“It happens. How did you know?”