“Well done, Ash.” He sauntered to the bed and trailed a fingertip from one nipple to the other. I was startled by their responsiveness, by the way they tightened and almost ached to be pinched. He sat beside me on the bed, his hip snug against mine, and his palm followed the path of hair down the centre of my body to where my prick rose proud and thick from the thatch of pale curls that grew around it.
I raised a hand to touch his hair. “Let me—”
“No,” he said. “Let me.” And his mouth came down on mine.
I wound my arms about his neck and drew him closer. If it had been anyone else, I would have been embarrassed by the low, hungry sounds I made as I fed on his mouth. What was it about his kisses? I’d had more than a week to mull over my reaction to them but had been unable to come to any satisfactory conclusion beyond the fact he was the first ever to have kissed me.