Chapter 68

“I apologise for that.”

“There’s no need.” I was unused to receiving apologies and felt awkward.

“Nevertheless. I apologise.”

“Very well. Accepted, sir.”

“Thank you.” He fidgeted with his watch fob. Did he feel as awkward as I? “What does my son think of you, Laytham?”

“Geo is all that is—”


“That is how I am used to think of your son. He told me that’s what his friends call him and invited me to do so as well.”

“I see.” His mouth tightened.

I thought to play a trump card. “Aunt Cecily was desirous of us becoming friends, sir. Have you any objections?” After all, if he was as fond of her as he claimed…

“No. My son is a grown man, and I assure you I have no say in who he chooses to befriend.” He looked as if he regretted that fact.

I decided to retire from the playing field in good order. “I think we’ve kept Aunt Cecily waiting long enough, don’t you?” I gestured toward the door. “After you, sir?”