“Yes. I want the colt thoroughly groomed and a tar brush passed over his hooves before he’s put away for the day, if you please, Jem. From this day forward he’s to be stabled here.”
“Aye, sir. His stall’s been waiting for him this age.” He grinned at me then called, “Jack! Come and take our handsome lad.”
* * * *
I bathed and changed into clothing suitable for celebrating my lover’s birthday, and then I drifted from one room to another, waiting for Geo to drive up to the front door. Excitement fizzed in my veins, and I was grateful there was none to witness my state of arousal. At length I settled in the rose sitting room, where I tried to pass the time working the puzzle of Waterloo.
Surely Geo would arrive at any moment?
* * * *
“Begging your pardon, sir.” Colling stood in the doorway. “Cook says if she must put dinner back once more, it will be completely ruined.”