Chapter 73

“Did Mr Stephenson…did he not say anything?”

“No, sir, just that there was no response.”

Well. Wasn’t I the fool?

“Sir Ash? Is there anything I can do?”

Did I look as put out—I refused to see myself as devastated—as I felt? I shook my head. “Get into some dry clothes, then go to the kitchen and tell Cook she’s to feed you and give you something hot to drink.”

“Yes, sir. Thankee, sir.” He looked around for a place to set down the glass, and sneezed

Colling took the glass from him, raised a hand, and David appeared as if out of nowhere. “See to Hammel.”

“Yes, Mr Colling.” David didn’t seem in the least fazed by the dripping young man, and the odd thought strayed through my mind: he was going to make the ideal butler.

“Sir Ashton, shall I have Cook prepare a cold collation for you? Some meats and cheeses, perhaps?”