Chapter 75

“Aunt. Arabella.”

“Ashton, this is Miss Munro.”

“How do you do, Miss Munro? Welcome to Fayerweather, and Laytham Hall.”

“Thank you, sir. So you are Sir Ashton,” she murmured. She was a tall, willowy young lady. Long lashes dipped down then rose to reveal eyes that were indeed bluer than the bluest of skies. “I’ve heard so much about you.”

“You mustn’t believe all you hear.” I scowled at Arabella, but she simply looked confused. Who then…I set the question aside for the nonce. “I trust your journey wasn’t too exhausting?”

“It was, a trifle. I’m rather weary, not to mention chilled and parched,” she remarked as she stripped off her mittens.

“I believe an early night is what’s called for.” Aunt Cecily put back the hood of her cloak. “We’ll all have a tray in our rooms, Mrs Walker. If you’ll inform Cook?”

“Yes, m’lady.”

“Which room has been given Miss Munro?” Arabella handed David her muff and pelisse, then took her friend’s and gave them to him as well.