“How very fortunate to have such a skilled woman.”
“Indeed, yes. She knows all our favourites, and for his last birthday made Arthur a—” She gasped, flushed, and bit back the rest of her words.
“Arthur? I don’t believe you ever mentioned that name. Are you keeping secrets from me? Is he your beau?” Miss Munro asked archly.
Arabella looked as if she were about to weep, and Aunt Cecily stepped in. “Merely an old childhood friend. Juliet, Arabella has told me you’ve offered to demonstrate the latest dance steps.”
Arabella smiled at Aunt Cecily, grateful for the change of topic. “And to teach them to me as well. Oh, dearest Aunt Cecy, please say we may have a musical evening!”
“I don’t see why not, since we will be en famille. Do you have any objections, Ashton?”
“I have none, Aunt Cecily.”
Arabella’s eyes widened, much as they always did when it was brought to her attention that as head of the household, my permission was needed for the least thing.