Chapter 81

“I rather think having my instructions flouted was even more uncalled for, Aunt.”

“The horse was in the stables for anyone to ride,” Miss Munro said petulantly from behind the screen. “Why shouldn’t I take it out?”

“Perhaps because I told you not to?”

“I was tired of that cart horse you saw fit to mount me on! You understand, don’t you, dear Lady Cecily? You must say you do!”

“My dear child, if Ashton asked you not to—”

“The groom saddled it for me.” Sulkiness was etched in her words.

“It was the stable boy, and only after you struck him with your riding crop.”

Aunt Cecily paled. She had as little reason as I to look with complacency upon a crop being wielded by anyone. “Juliet, you never told me—”