“It’s true! It’s true! Anyone with an eye could see that!”
“Oh, my dear child—”
“Miss Arabella, you’re overwrought!”
“Why wasn’t it you?” She ignored Aunt Cecily and Mr Stephenson and rushed toward me, her sudden move startling us all. “Why are youalive while Arthur is dead?”
Her nails slashed across my face, scoring my cheek.
I jerked away, and my spectacles flew off my face. I disregarded them as I felt the blood well up sluggishly and begin to drip down my cheek to my chin.
Her fingers curled like talons, she raised her hand to claw at me again.
“You will not, Arabella.” I seized her wrists in a grip I knew had to be painful, but couldn’t find it in me to care, and she gave a gasp.
“No, Uncle Eustace!”
“I. Am. Not. My—”
“Unhand her, sirrah!” Mr Stephenson took a step toward me.