Chapter 99

“Yes, he’s with us once more. We’ll need water for shaving.”

“And for bathing, also,” I called.

Kincaid poked his head around Geo. “I’m glad to see you’re more the thing, sir.”

“Th-thank you.”

“Shall I tell her ladyship you’ll both be down for dinner?”

“Yes, please.”

“Very good, sir. I’ve lain out your dinner clothes, Mr Geo, and when I return, I’ll see to Sir Ashton’s.”

“Splendid. Thank you.” Geo closed the door and turned to me.

“You’re looking very solemn, sir.” I patted the bed beside me. “Come join me.”

He limped toward the bed but hesitated. “Ashton, I’ve no wish to distress you, but…but I find I must ask you something.”


“Is…is Burt your by-blow?”

I couldn’t help myself. I burst into laughter. “Have you seen Mrs Johnson?”

“Don’t be difficult. You’ve said yourself the boy is only five. You could easily have fathered him on a young lady and given him to the Johnsons to bring up.”