Chapter 101

“William always wanted to die in a desperate battle.”

“You’re wrong, Awful! Will had no desire to die. He simply wanted to fight a desperate battle, such as our father had.”

“Scarlett, I shan’t tell you but this one last time. Call Ashton ‘Awful’ again, and I’ll knock you on your arse.”

“George!” his father warned. “It’s fortunate the ladies aren’t present.”

Geo glowered at him before turning to Arthur. “Nevertheless, if you don’t start speaking more respectfully to Ashton, I’ll—”

“You? A cripple?”

“Arthur!” Mr Stephenson seemed genuinely shocked.

“I must say, Arthur, for someone who’s here only by the grace of my good will, you’re sorely trying it.”

“Yourgood will? What say have you in the matter? Surely Aunt Cecily would never permit—”

“Aunt Cecily is the one who has no say in who stays at Laytham Hall.”

“Now see here, Laytham—” Geo’s father blustered.

“I shouldn’t say anything more, were I you, Father. I rather think you’re here by Sir Ashton’s good will as well.”