WebNovelCut Hand44.35%

Chapter 51

“Get in the house,” Cut snarled at me.

“Cut, don’t—”

“Go in the house, wife.” He deliberately put me in my place. Normally he used the term fondly. This time it wounded. Nonetheless, I obeyed because I wanted to arm myself. Cut had nothing except a skinning knife.

As there were three of the Pipe Stem, I grabbed three rifles and stood in the shadow of the doorway, cradling one of the weapons for easy use.

The Pipe Stem moved not a muscle as Cut approached. Pride and love and fear battled for ascendancy in my heart as I watched my mate calmly face his enemy. I could hear nothing from where I stood but observed much agitated head shaking. Finally, Cut turned his back on them and returned to the porch.

“Teacher,” he called. I stepped out onto the stoop. “Carcajou wants to talk to you. He has heard Splitrum was here.”

“You can tell him what Split said as well as I can.”