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Chapter 60

We knew no one at Fort Ramson, and indeed, the officers who came to meet us were strangers. Yellow Puma put all his remaining strength behind his voice as he hailed the military men ten paces ahead of him. Cut Hand translated his words.

“Welcome to our American brothers. I am Yellow Puma, misco of the People of the Yanube. We know why you are here and are anxious to end this matter as it should be, without violence and in the spirit of friendship. I am known to your brother officers at Fort Yanube as a peace chief.”

The leader of the troop, a mature man wearing captain’s bars, gaffed his horse two steps closer. “We have heard of you, Yellow Puma. We know you as a good man who desires peace. But perhaps you do not control your young men.”

“It is true young men of both our peoples do not always behave as they should, but we iron-hairs do the best we can.”

“We come because two of our messengers were fired upon along the Yanube River. The army cannot ignore such dangerous acts.”