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Chapter 75

When the enlisted men were settled and eating from their provisions, James turned to his own needs. He came from the bathing room that night naked and rampant. He laid his trim form atop me and looked into my eyes.

“I have not stopped thinking about you since you left,” he said hoarsely. “Those months you were in town were the happiest of my life. I recognize your love lies elsewhere, but you are entitled to know that James Carlton Morrow loves you deeply.” My long-delayed orgasm was almost painful at the point he finally allowed it to occur.

James fair wore me out with his demands. There came a point where pleasure and satisfaction fell away, and it became a matter of endurance. He was insatiable. Toward dawn, I told him “no more.” When he stepped out onto the porch to greet his men that morning he was refreshed, revived, rejuvenated. I crawled around the house like an overused jackass