He hoped Raine had warm blankets. Winter in Seattle loomed around the corner, and Raine came from Southern California. Hollywood. Sunshine and sand.
He wanted Raine to be warm. He wanted Raine to be warm and cozy and well cared for, taken care of, taken care of by him—
He wanted to touch Raine’s arm again, to soothe bruises and ease weariness, and he remembered the way Raine had shivered at his touch, not from fear but from sensation, and he wanted—
He couldn’t not picture it. Raine’s eyes all huge and green and gold, dark with desire; Raine’s wrist encircled by Don’s hand; Raine looking up at him, maybe even kneeling, lips pink and pretty—or being led to Don’s bed and tugged down into it, a tumble of pale red hair and athlete’s legs and willing submission as Don moved atop him—
Yes. Oh, yes; and the ache was physical, the need was physical, everything he wanted, every desire—
Cupids, of course, were made of desire.