Chapter 5

“And go alone; you can manage on your own, can’t you?”

“Not a problem,” Ian reassured, surprised she’d even need to ask.

“Good, that’ll be all,” Katherine added, waving him away with a dismissive hand.

“Oh, and one more thing…”


“Don’t disappoint me.”

The icy chill in those words froze him from the top of his head to the soles of his feet; he shivered.

“Wouldn’t dream of it,” Ian responded, belying calm as he hurried from the room and her ever observant stare.

* * * *

“Excuse me, Dr. Morrow? Dr. Morrow?”

Adam stopped in his tracks, turning to the nurse panting for breath beside him. “Yes?”

“Can I trouble you for a moment?”

“I’m heading into surgery and running late. Laura, is it? I’m sorry, but can this wait?” He hurried off before she was finished, forcing her to follow.

“One second! There’s a young lady at the visitor’s station asking for you. Your fiancé, I believe.”