Weak and filthy, the realization clear, nothing was worse than imprisonment. Adam would rather die than endure another second in this hell. Ian had been right. The pain was brutal. More than he dreamed possible to live through, let alone withstand.
Adam shouted and cursed his way through each tearing, bone crunching moment. He pulled and yanked and dug until everything was slick with blood and sweat. The torn flesh of his forearms left little more than open ragged wounds that burned as he screamed and screamed. He worried his heart might burst from the strain. If Adam could have seen himself, he would’ve been unable to recognize the man before him. His features were distorted, twisted into a mask of suffering.
The room was at least ninety degrees. Perspiration saturated his skin and made his eyes burn. Adam’s mouth tasted like hot ash; still, he struggled, until after a lifetime in hell, he broke free.