Chapter 46

Mei laughed out loud. “Oh, Ian, you’re making this way harder than it needs to be.”

“Just get them home,” Ian commanded, unable to stand her pitying look for a second longer. Before she could protest, he spun, and headed for the street, wanting to put as much distance between himself and the faint but obvious disappointment he’d caught in Mei’s eyes. Adam’s heated words, the taste of his lips still lingering on Ian’s own, haunting him with every step as he hurried away, disappearing into the night

* * * *

It had been two days since their encounter at the club. And in that time, Adam had avoided Ian at every turn, not that Ian went out of his way to seek him out. That night, Ian drove around until dawn, attempting to clear his head. By the time he returned, everyone was home and in bed. Ian retreated to his room and straight into the shower in a vain attempt to wash away the night’s events. Not that it worked; he’d laid awake for hours berating himself.