Barry revved the engine, and soon we took off. He sighed. “Pedro, we need to talk about something right now.”
I maintained a cool attitude. “Okay, what about?”
“So…you want to play with me again, but at the same time, you don’t want me with anyone else. Why is that? If you’re going to make that kind of selfish demand, then you owe me a good reason at the very least. And don’t lie to me. I want the truth.”
For the first time, I was a little intimidated by Barry, but I didn’t want to show it. The truth was, I saw him differently now. I’d enjoyed sex with him so much, but at the same time, I felt like I wanted more out of it, too. “I don’t know how this works. I mean, I’ve never exactly had relationships and stuff.”
“Well, with your wishes, you’d essentially be depriving me of a dating life, you do realize that, right?”