Chapter 12

* * * *

Wednesday afternoon, Quint returned to the gallery.

“I did as you suggested,” he told Cole. “Three of your five suspects are out of contention. From the way Davis and Alvarez acted, they had no clue who they were. However, despite the fact they claimed not to know Stuart Franks and Lee Phillips, I had the distinct feeling both names rang a bell.”

Cole nodded. “Meaning they at least met them at some point, whether at the dig—which is highly unlikely since we didn’t let anyone in who wasn’t associated with what we were doing—or in town.”

“I’d say that’s probably the case. They could have approached either man, felt him out about the possibility of, what? Getting a private tour of the site after working hours?”

“Possible, although both Lee and Stuart should have shut them down real fast on that idea.”

“Should have and did are two separate things, Cole.”