Chapter 30

Another sign of my masochism? Another way of punishing myself for Robin’s death? If so, I’m one fucked up man.

“Maybe now’s the time to change that.” He saw an exit off the highway and took it, then pulled into the parking lot of a strip mall. He sat for a moment before taking out his phone.

“Alex,” he said when his assistant answered. “A change of plans. Cancel whatever appointments I have for the next week or so. There’s something more I still have to take care of out here.”

“Gideon! You’re not serious.”

“Dead serious. If someone needs to talk to me personally, give them this number. But it had better be damned important.”

“When isn’t it?” Alex replied with a sigh of frustration. “All right. You’re the boss.”

Gideon chuckled. “I sometimes wonder about that. Thanks for putting up with my…idiosyncrasies.”

“No problem, most of the time. Just keep in touch. Okay?”

“I will.”