Chapter 32

“I’m pretty sure that’s what it is. Naomi and I stay in contact only on and off, mainly through Facebook.”

“That’s becoming all too common these days, I’m afraid.”

“What about you?” Cole asked.

“I’m an only child, estranged from my parents when Robin and I moved in together. Not that they had much of a problem with my being gay. They just didn’t want me to flaunt it, and when I did—at least in their estimation—they cut all ties with me.”

“Damn. If they hadn’t, you would have had someone to help you get past what happened.”

Gideon shook his head. “More than likely, they would have said it served me right.”

“Remind me not to invite them to Thanksgiving dinner.”

Arching an eyebrow, Gideon replied, “You’re planning that far ahead?”

Am I? I think so. Not that I’ve got a reason to, so far. He shrugged. “That’s me. I try to look to the future, since much of my life is spent dealing with the past.”