Chapter 34

“I have three buildings in mind,” Gideon replied. “I haven’t seen them in person, yet, as I just came to this decision a few days ago.”

“Does Dr. Newell know what you’re planning?” Jessica asked.

“No. I don’t intend on telling him until things are underway, and I know this will work.”

“He’s not going to be happy that you didn’t trust him,” Alex said.

“It has nothing to do with trust, and everything to do with not wanting to get his—or my—hopes up.”

“Okay. I suppose that makes sense.”

After that, Gideon and his staff got down to work on exactly what it would take to bring his plan to fruition.

* * * *

Cole spent the week after Gideon left vacillating between elation that they’d finally kissed, and despair that it had been a goodbye kiss on Gideon’s part—despite his words to the contrary. They had talked by phone, but the conversation had been somewhat stilted on Gideon’s side. At least that’s how it seemed to Cole—as if Gideon were already pulling away.