Midafternoon, I noticed Min hanging around me. Well, I’d noticed before, but I was too busy playing ball or participating in a seed-spitting contest or pitching horseshoes to pay her any mind. When I finally plopped down on the edge of the porch, she came over to sit beside me and dimpled prettily.
“You sure do play good town ball.” That’s probably what they called round ball where she came from. Of course, it was baseball now. I’d hit a couple of pitches and managed to slide home once.
“Thanks. Just takes a good eye.” Uh oh. Shouldn’t have said that. Now she’d talk about my eyes. Then it’d be my hair.
“You sure do have nice ones.” Her cheeks turned as red as our tom turkey’s beard. “I mean, strange ones. But they’re pretty too.”
“Somebody’s always talking about my weird eyes.”
She made a moue with her lips. “They’re not weird. They’re…well, pretty. All that gold in them.” Then her gaze moved upward. “And that hair.” Her hand fluttered.