I went looking for Aaron Salmon. My careless actions at the medicine lodge might have lit the spark, but Salmon’s lie had let Berglund fan the flames that destroyed my friends. As soon as I saw the boy at the livery stable, I put him out of my mind. He was one of those simpletons who grow big even when they’re young. He was probably sixteen, but the vacant eyes and slack jaw argued his mind was younger than that. He didn’t come up with those lies. Berglund had told him what to say, and the poor fellow believed them the minute the words came out of his mouth. I’d take no satisfaction in extracting justice on him. Hell, it wouldn’t have been justice.
I needed Berglund. I could march into his church and shoot him in the head like the pig he was, but that likely would have been the end of me. That’s the last thing Otter would have wanted.