“Otter knew me better than anyone else. He knew I’d probably leave the Mead someday…just as he knew you never would. And he wanted me to have a place to go. At least, I’m farmer enough to take care of his place. If not, he knew Andre would be there to handle the farming part while I played blacksmith…or whatever. Am I making any sense?”
“Some. But it still hurt. Otter didn’t leave me anything. Or the girls, either.”
“What do you need?”
He turned his coal black eyes on me. “Something. Anything to let me know I counted.”
I sighed. I’d have to do it. I’d have to tell him, or he’d never understand. “I didn’t talk straight a minute ago. The real reason Otter and James left me the farm was they knew I’d have to leave Teacher’s Mead one day, and they wanted me to have a place to go.”
“Why would you have to leave?”
“Because I’m like they were. I have the same nature they did.”
The silence got so deep I could hear Strobaw’s Crick running a hundred yards to the west.