Chapter 46

Pa showed up at the forge as soon as they were out of sight. “I hope you didn’t lie to him.”

“Only when I said I didn’t know where Matthew was going, and that wasn’t much of one. I know what direction he headed, but I don’t know any more than that. Pa, I think I ought to go looking for him. He doesn’t know they’re on his trail. He thinks they haven’t been able to identify him.”

“If they catch you with him, they’ll paint you with the same brush.”

“They have to catch me first. But the Lieutenant hinted at coming back. Said he’d like to race his mount against Arrow.”

“Be awkward if you weren’t here.”

“You could say I was at Turtle Crick.”

“That might work once or twice.” He left the rest of the thought unsaid. “If you decide it’s something you need to do, don’t leave without saying goodbye to your mother.”

“What do you think?”

“I think Matthew is a careful man.”

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