Chapter 105

“Gunshot. Not big like a rifle. One of those little army rifles, maybe.”

“Carbine,” I wheezed.

“Went clear through. Good. Bled a lot. Good.” He got up and spread more blankets on the opposite side of the fire from Bear. “Lie down.”

As he worked over me, I studied his features. Pretty…like a girl. Smooth…like a girl. Yet, there was a subtle masculinity there, as well. A blood-red birthmark rose from his neck to curl up over his right cheek. Somehow, it enhanced his looks. Altogether, a seductive face. Jealousy added to my discomfort as I imagined him writhing beneath Bear.

His hands touched my belly and chest. “You took a beating. Who did this thing?”

So I told him the entire tale, grunting and gasping now and then as he did something particularly painful. He worked without comment until I finished.

“Hanlihan done this? And you killed him? Good.”

“You know Hanlihan?”