Chapter 5

“What do you want, James?”

He blinked. “What do I want?”

“What do you want?” Chad repeated. “Tell me one of those fantasies you’ve had.”

“I…any fantasy?”

“Any fantasy.”

“The dildo up my ass while you fuck my face.”

“Is that all you want?”

“No. Not at all. But it’s a good start.”

Chad grinned. “Yes, it is. Let’s get you undressed.”

Chad made short work of James’s remaining clothes, leaving him naked on the bed. Chad rolled away long enough to grab the dildo and the lube, and James’s eyes widened.

“You’re actually going to do it?”

“That’s what you wanted, isn’t it?”

“Well…yeah…I just thought you were asking out of curiosity or something.”

Chad shook his head. “No, I was asking because I wanted to do what you wanted. I have no problem with fucking your face.” James could only smile as Chad carefully spread the lubricant all over the thick toy. “Besides, this way you’ll be good and stretched for me.”