Chapter 21

“There was just an endless stream of them. They danced and joked and sang and told stories. They tried to lure me by wearing clothes that were absolutely indecent for the Royal Court. They were charming. A few were even funny, but…they weren’t for me.”

“But you’re going to have to get married one way or the other, aren’t you? That’s what a prince does. He gets married and makes more little princes.”

“My father’s decree didn’t say that the person who made me smile had to be a woman.” Leo traced a light pattern on Dexter’s chest. “It seems to me that you’re entitled to your reward.”

Dexter sat up. “My reward? Marriage? Leo, I can’t…we can’t get married. The King would never allow it. Nobody would allow it. It just…it can’t happen.”

“I can marry anybody I want. I’m the prince.”

“It’s against the rules,” Dexter reminded him.

“I makethe rules.”

Dexter shivered, more from the power in Leo’s voice than the assertion itself. “Leo…I…”