Chapter 27

But he couldn’t shake the feeling that his days were numbered.

* * * *

“Excuse me, Dexter, but the King has requested your presence.”

Everything inside of him went numb at Jax’s mild words. The twinkle in his eye that he couldn’t quite disguise didn’t help Dexter’s anxiety. The servant would, no doubt, be quite pleased if Dexter was kicked out of the castle—or worse. He hoped that if the King did send him on his way, he would at least be allowed to say goodbye to Leo.

He followed Jax to the King’s study, though he didn’t need the servant to lead him. Over the past weeks he had become intimately acquainted with the castle, and he knew it well. Sometimes, he caught himself striding through the corridors like he owned the place, and that sort of general ease seemed arrogant at best, presumptive at worst. He didn’t even feel like himself.