“Hey.” Sora didn’t even look at him.
“Mind if I sit?”
Sora looked up, brows drawn, taking in Marc’s stool and half-smile. “Why?”
“I don’t know. We sit here doing stuff together all night and all weekend but never talk.”
“Oh.” Sora shrugged. “I’m okay not talking.”
“Are you okay talking, though, too?” Marc asked. “I can sit here quietly and watch you paint, if not.”
“What do you want to talk about?”
Marc took that as an invitation to sit down. He set the stool close, but not creepy-close, to the other man. “Dunno,” he said noncommittally. “Tell me about your paintings.”
Sora inhaled deeply and blew a breath out with puffed cheeks. “Well,” he said, “that couldn’t possibly be a broader topic.”
“Sure it could,” Marc replied with a grin. “I could ask you to just tell me about all paintings in general.”
“I might have an easier time of that, honestly.” But he laughed. “No, I’m kidding. I’m doing a series for a client. They asked for colorful sea life. This is the last one.”