Chapter 16

“You didn’t have any reason to think…” Kevin started to say.

“That’s just it. I didn’tthink! I presumed I’d caught all there was to catch,” Olivia replied crossly.


“Don’t Livy me.” She sighed. “Sorry. I shouldn’t take it out on you.” She turned to Rory. “Can you get these to Lou or Quint, now?”

“Definitely,” he told her, as she put them back in the folder and then handed it to him. He called Lou to find out where he was and ask if he was in a position to look at something—telling him about the photos. Lou grumbled that he wasn’t, since he was at a homicide, and he told him to call Quint. Rory did, reaching him at home, and, a couple of minutes later, he was on his way to the loft.

* * * *

“Where’s your other half?” Rory asked when Quint let him into the loft. He could see Jamie on a mat in the middle of the main room. Clay was nowhere in sight.