Chapter 6

“Yes, but we might have to euthanize him. What if it’s contagious? We can’t risk him infecting the females.”

The tightness around his ribcage was there again. What if the male had infected him? Poisoned him? He hadn’t touched him skin to skin, but perhaps he had some defense Zenon hadn’t seen before.

Zenon didn’t respond. What was there to say?

They entered the clinic and Zenon almost winced at the stench. What was it? Poison?

Brox nodded and left.

The female they’d apprehended together with the male sat on the cot, touching his arm while staring at Ghurva. Not only staring. Zenon had never seen someone look as angry as she did. He studied her to see if she’d grown fangs. No. Claws? No. And there were no spikes coming out of her skin or any visible poison.

“What’s going on?” He directed the question to Ghurva, but it was the female who responded.