Chapter 11

“I’ve had sex.”

Carlo closed his eyes. He couldn’t deal with this right now. His head hurt, he was tired beyond belief, and he was in an alien’s bed. “Zen, do you realize it’s wrong to take people against their will?” Maybe they didn’t have a sense of right and wrong.

Silence stretched. “I argued against it, but it’s to save our planet. And we’re stronger than you.”

Not a comforting reply. “I’m aware, but when you’re strong, you have to be kind.”

“I’m fair.”

No, this was far from fair. “I’d like to be alone now.”

“Grace said you shouldn’t be alone.”

“You listen to Grace but not to me?” He guessed it was good he was willing to listen to Grace.

“She is a female.”

“I’m aware.” What did Grace being a woman have to do with anything?

“Females rule the planet.”