Chapter 15

“Damn it, Carlo! You’re to take it easy.”

“But you were calling for me.”

“Yes, but I meant the nodding. Come. Quick. Hide.”

Hide?Was she aware they were on a spaceship? He took a shaky breath and tried not to think about it. He’d always believed he’d be calm and controlled in a time of crisis, but considering how he’d reacted when he’d seen the spaceship, he wasn’t so sure anymore.

“We can’t hide.”

“Do you know why they took us?”

He initiated a head shake but stopped himself. “No.”

“To reproduce.”

His memories of the dark room where they’d been when they left Earth were dim, but he didn’t think there had been any other men. “I-I can’t. They want usto reproduce?” He gestured between them.

Grace frowned. “No, I think they want us to fuck them and have fanged little babies.”

“Gracie, I can’t fuck a human woman. How would I ever do one of them?” He waved down the corridor right as Zenon turned the corner.