Chapter 9

The three men splashed around in the water for a while, until Rusty looked at his watch. “Sorry, guys, but I’ve got to get going. I promised my mother I’d drive her down to Savannah this evening to visit her sister.”

Eric and Carlton followed Rusty out of the stream, which allowed the two friends to get a really good look at Carlton’s physique. Eric noted the absence of hair on Carlton’s body, and said, “What’s with the smooth look, Carlton?”

“I was on the swim team all through high school and college, and a lot of the guys kept themselves smooth. I liked the look, and still keep it. Mutual genital shaving with a friend can be kind of exciting and erotic—you guys should try it sometime.”

“Us?” Rusty said.

“Why not?” Carlton said. “I have pretty good gaydar, and there’s not a doubt in my mind that if you guys aren’t a couple, you are at least coupling, as they say.”

“No argument there,” Eric said. “We’ve been taking care of each other’s needs off and on since we were kids.”