Chapter 22

“Someone’s been doing their homework.”

“When I go into business, I’m nothing, if not thorough in all respects.”

“Are you going to use his property the same way he’s been using it?” Eric said.

“Not at all. That acreage is ideally situated for peaches, and I’m going to start planting peach trees over there the first of next year.”

“Sounds good to me.”

“Don’t forget we’re going to Atlanta in a couple of months,” Carlton said.

“Talk about changing the subject.”

“Now that we have changed the subject, how do you feel about the trip?”


“Are you nervous?”

“Not really. I haven’t spent much time in Atlanta recently, and I’m looking forward to the experience. As for the hypnosis, color me a bit skeptical.”

“That, I think, is a given for both of us.” 13

2018—early May

“We’re gonna be growing our own nursery stock now,” Rusty said. “Given how we started this business, who would have thought that?”

It was Monday morning, and Eric and Rusty were surveying their new acreage.