Chapter 40

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Eric’s brain was running in high gear most of the rest of the day. He kept thinking about what had happened in the little folly that morning, what might happen that evening, and what it all meant. He was so distracted at times that a couple of his crew members actually asked him if he was feeling okay. After that, he did his best to put a damper on his runaway thoughts and imagination. They finished their last job a bit earlier than planned, and when he dropped his men off at the nursery, he told them to enjoy the rest of their day, rather than doing any busy work at the nursery. After that, he headed back to the house.

He took a quick shower, dressed in khakis and a long-sleeved polo shirt, and went looking for Carlton, who he found waiting for him in the family room.

“Ready to experiment?” Carlton said, when Eric walked into the room.

“You bet.”