Chapter 52

“Looks like Wade and Moses went to Florida after they were attacked,” Eric said.

“We already knew that from the census records,” Carlton said, and returned to the first book. He turned a couple of pages, and found the beginnings of the journal. “I’ve never seen writing like that.”

Lydia looked closely at the book. “It’s nineteenth-century copperplate script,” she said. “Copperplate was quite common in the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries.”

“It looks like it’s written in French,” Lydia’s husband said.

“That makes sense, sort of,” Carlton said.

“Why?” Eric said.

“Because Sylvie, that is, Wade’s mother, told the census taker in 1860 that she was born in France. I guess we’ll have to hire a translator.”

“Not so fast,” Eric said. “It may be a bit rusty, but I do have a hard-earned minor in French.” He actually began to read a few words from the first journal out loud, but Carlton stopped him.

“I don’t think we have time for that much distraction right now,” Carlton said.