Chapter 65

“I’m not against it, but I have no intention of finding a wife and starting a family.”

“Presence of the former isn’t a requirement for starting the latter. Ever hear of surrogacy?”

“Of course,” Eric said. “Where are you going with this conversation?”

“I’m thinking that we have a lot of room in this house, and we have a lot to offer kids, should we have them. According to Lydia, between them, Charles and Philip Barnett have six sons, all of them through surrogate mothers.”

“They must have a big house.”

“Didn’t you hear Lydia describe it as a mansion?”

“Yeah, now that you mention it,” Eric said.

“We could take the first two suites on this floor and turn the sitting rooms into bedrooms. That would give us four bedrooms for kids, and still leave us with two guest suites. What do you think?”

“I think we need to play twenty questions with the Barnetts when they finally come for a visit.” 42

2019—late May