“That guy from Channel Eleven. You know!”
Christ. Now she was squealing, her voice rising to a pitch only dogs could hear. Sometimes Craig really thought the end of Western civilization would come to pass at the evil hands of the cathode ray tube. Not that technology still used cathode ray tubes, but he didn’t know what they had been replaced with or how they might achieve enough sentience to become evil. Anyway, Amy definitely overindulged in her favorite television programming.
“No,” Craig said with infinite patience, hands gathering the needed condiments. “I don’t know. I don’t have a television and that you do know.”
“You are such a buzzkill.” Amy balled her fists onto her hips and Craig whispered a silent prayer one of her food orders would come up and she’d be forced to leave him alone. He didn’t have time for her to get this riled. “Weather Guy Grant. The guy with all the funny weather jokes? He’s sitting in my section.”