He leaned against Amy and lowered his voice to a hushed whisper. “I can’t believe his date didn’t show.”
“Well, I don’t really know who he was waiting for.”
Craig refused to let Amy waffle out of the discussion. She started this round of idle speculation, she could finish it. “You don’t look that upset when anyone other than a date is a no-show.”
“How would you know?” Amy poked her finger into his back. “You haven’t been out on a date in forever.”
Craig winced. Who decided it was abuse Craig day? “Gee, I hadn’t noticed. Thanks ever so much for keeping track.” There were days when the only thing keeping Craig from crying was a good dose of sarcasm. “When I get a chance to go out with someone other than the dweebs from school with the emotional maturity of the wilted spring mix in the salad bar, I’ll be sure to let you know.”